January Curriculum
(I’m going to do something a little different starting this month as we come up to the current time in that I’m going to begin sharing week by week what we decided to do each day along with the themes of the month as that is the essence of Emergent Curriculum is that activities can be presented to the children but ultimately it’s their choice of whether or not to participate.)
January Theme: Polar Animals/Winter
Color Table: Blue
Pretend Play: Coats/Polar Safari Dress up
Library: Books about winter/polar animals
Blocks: Arctic Animal/Winter STEM Cards
Bible Verse: "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow". Psalm 51:7
Summary of Activities:
January 6-10:
Monday: SNOW DAY!
Tuesday: We missed Miss Christina over the Christmas break so we spent lots of time reading books together in the book nook. We also played in the sink for more water play, drew on the whiteboard and chalkboard quite a bit, and did some birdwatching out the yellow room window as the busy little critters flitted around looking for food in the snow!
Wednesday: Due to the snow, we started a bit late, so we spent most of the morning playing in the yellow room with cars, reading books, and bird and squirrel watching. We took a late nap, and then we did freeplay upstairs after nap to spend time with Miss Lena, who was helping do some secretarial work for our February Curriculum!
Thursday: This morning we did circle time and sang songs that were from our curriculum about polar animals and winter and the kiddos chose to spend a lot of time cooking pretend toys on the play kitchen and fed the grownups lots of treats. Later, the fine motor table was a hit as all of the activities were played with! After nap, we did some coloring and went back to cooking with the play kitchen!
Friday: ANOTHER Snow Day!
January 13-17
Monday: Miss Christina and Mr. Baby Shark played with the robot blocks to build sharks most of the morning and had lots of fun!
Tuesday: Mr. Baby Shark and Mr. Monster Truck had a lot of fun playing together with the bell they found but Miss Christina thought it was Super LOUD and turned off her hearing aids for a little while until they were finished playing with it! Haha! They also built car garages and dino caves with the blocks before a yummy lunch of Mac n cheese! We started eating Family Style this month so both friends had 2 servings!
Wednesday: Mr. Baby Shark enjoyed playng with the stencils and he also enjoyed playing pretend cooking!
Thursday: Miss Christina and Mr. Baby Shark finally got to go outside and play in the snow! We also had spaghetti and meat sauce for lunch and it was super yummy! Mr. Baby Shark has been super interested in jumping lately so he jumped on the blocks for quite a while as well!
Friday: Miss Christina bought a new water play sink for INSIDE waterplay! Mr. Baby Shark is THRILLED! We were making a bit of a mess with it though so Miss Christina decided to turn the water table into…a WATER TABLE! Lol! We had a blast playing with it pretty much all day long!We did take a break to play outside in the afternoon again though!
January 20-24
Monday: Mr. Baby Shark spent another day playing in the water table, coloring pictures, and jumping on the blocks!
Tuesday: Mr. Baby Shark and Mr. Monster Truck had a blast playing together again! Today they were throwing the ball pit balls at each other as they found another big box to turn into a fort! They also enjoyed building with the blocks, car and trucks, and train tracks!
Wednesday: We had a late start day today because Miss Christina had an appointment in the morning. We had lots of fun with the water table again and then after nap we had a little adventure to go pick up Mr. Jacob from work! He works by the airport so we get to see airplanes when we pick him up! Yay!
Thursday: We took another adventure to Simple Positive Play today which is a new place that Miss Christina discovered recently! It was so much fun! Mr. Baby Shark particularly enjoyed playing with the kitchen set and the slide!
Friday: We had a quieter day today after 2 days in a row of adventures out! We read lots of books and played in the water table a lot!
January 27-31
Monday: Mr. Baby Shark discovered a new love of puzzles and spent quite a bit of time doing the dinosaur puzzles as well as the the polar animal puzzles!
Tuesday: Mr. Monster Truck and Mr. Baby Shark enjoyed playing cars and trucks in the morning and playing hidden treasure with various toys in the afternoon!
Wednesday: Mr. Baby Shark and Miss Christina were able to go outside for the first time in a LONG time and so we were extremely happy to get some fresh air! We like to get outside even in cold weather but we had a long stretch of teens and single digit temps for a while and that’s too cold for our little friends!
Thursday: Mr. Baby Shark had more fun with puzzles and the water table today as it was more of a quiet day. We did get to go back outside again today!
Friday: We went on our big adventure of the month to the zoo with some friends to see the penguins and polar bear because we had spent the whole month learning about the polar animals and a new fun fact that we learned this month is that there are no penguins at the South Pole! Only the South Pole!